Policy number: AD004EN
Last review date: 3 July 2018
Next review date: 1 November 2021
Issuing office: Admissions & Financial Aid


Candidates for admission should have attended, or be attending a high school recognized or accredited by their state, regional, or national educational certifying agency. The American University of Paris evaluates applicants based on the breadth of their program of study, their academic record, the results of national examinations, and the evaluation of teachers and counselors. The applicant's written statement of purpose, as well as evidence of his or her maturity, also weigh heavily in admission decisions. Interviews, either in person or by telephone, are strongly encouraged. The Admissions Committee welcomes any other supporting material that reflects the applicant's special qualities and achievements. In the American system, all applicant qualifications are taken into consideration. All qualifications are considered, in combination with academic accomplishments.

All documents must be certified and submitted in either English or French. Original documents in other languages should be accompanied by a certified translation into one of these two languages. Official transcripts from all schools previously attended must be submitted as part of the application process. Failure to submit an official transcript or submission of incomplete or false information may be grounds for rejection of an application or subsequent disciplinary action, including dismissal from the University.

The University complies with the Statement of Students' Rights and Responsibilities in the College Admission Process of the National Association of College Admissions Counselors (NACAC). Decisions on admission are made without regard to the race, color, sex, religion, or national origin of the candidate.

Application materials and information are available on the University Web site. The American University of Paris offers applicants the option of using the Common Application or the University’s own application. The Common Application Web site can be found at: http://www.commonapp.org.

If the information you seek is not available on the university Web site, please contact the Admissions Office:

The American University of Paris
International Admissions Office
5 boulevard de la Tour Maubourg
75007 Paris, FRANCE
Tel. 33/(0)1 40 62 07 20
Fax 33/(0)1 47 05 34 32
Email: admissions@aup.edu


For application deadlines, please see the admissions pages of the website.


Who is affected by this policy: Undergraduate Applicants, Staff

Legal context or regulatory body: The University complies with the Statement of Students' Rights and Responsibilities in the College Admission Process of the National Association of College Admissions Counselors (NACAC).

Responsibilities: Applicants are responsible for understanding and adhering to this policy. The Vice President of Enrollment Management oversees the Office of Admissions and is responsible for ensuring that Office of Admissions staff and the Admissions Committee adhere to this policy and assist applicants in understanding it.

Issuing office and contact: The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, 5 Bd de la Tour-Maubourg 75007, Paris admissions@aup.edu, +33 1 40 62 08 17